Datasym have been named as a supplier on Crown Commercial Service’s (CCS) G-Cloud 13 framework
Datasym are awarded the supplier status for the UK Government G-Cloud 13 Framework. Datasym has been awarded the status for services under Lot 2 Cloud Software (SaaS) – applications which are accessed over the internet and hosted in the cloud.
The G-Cloud 13 Framework supports the public sector to achieve commercial value when procuring common goods and services. It offers solutions that can be utilised by organisations across the public sector, including government agencies and departments and the NHS. CCS supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services.
As of the 10th November 2022, the G-Cloud 13 is live on the Government’s new Public Procurement Gateway (PPG) digital contract and award service. The UK government departments and other public sector bodies registered to use the PPG service will be able to access and purchase Datasym software solutions.
For more information on purchasing Datasym’s goods and services, please email us on or call us on 0844 870 9206