Datasym is proud to announce that we are now accredited with the Miura payment device.
Datasym’s Android based OrderPad application has been providing a simple and efficient way to take customers order at the table for some time now receiving very positive feedback. Order Pad links seamlessly to the DPOS SQL table file used by the POS and therefore whether orders are taken using OrderPad or entered directly into a POS terminal, all items on a table can be seen from either device. Installation to an already exisying system is also easy as the items are driven from the POS button file with minimal additional data work required.
Worldpay’s Miura implementation has provided the Order Pad with yet more functionality providing it with the option to take card payments at the table (including contactless). Simply hit the ‘Pay by EFT’ button within OrderPad and it will open up the Worldpay Miura application, passing the transaction value as a fully integrated solution. Receipts can be emailed or printed via a bluetooth printer. There is no need to return to the POS terminal for any final actions, its that simple. The Miura device is so compact that this together with a 5 inch display Android device provides a neat and pocketable solution rather than needing to carry around or return to a central point to collect a large and cumbersome traditional credit card terminal.
Importantly, you dont have to use Worldpay’s EFT on your traditional POS terminals to utilise the power of the Worldpay Miura. This can be added as a seperate EFT contract at a competitive price.
For further information, email or call us on 0844 870 9206