Personal electronic meal ordering
Why not order your meals from the comfort of your own device?
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is the new meal ordering platform provided by Datasym and hosted by WiFi SPARK. The new evolution in meal ordering allows patients to log on via a secure connection, where they can order meals at their own convenience using their own device. Meals are tailored to a patient’s dietary requirements by linking the solution to the hospital patient administration system.
Once logged onto the meal ordering platform, patients can view what is on offer for the menu for that day, see an image of the dish being provided, and all the nutritional and allergen information with regards to each meal.
A new evolution in meal ordering from Datasym

Our latest Bring Your Own Device option delivers patient meal ordering and entertainment via WiFi
Benefits include:
Speed – The system allows meal orders to be placed quickly; meal selections can be made 1 meal in advance rather than multiple meals.
Less waste – As meal selection is made close to consumption time, the chance of wastage is reduced – a clear economical advantage.
Reduced costs – As no outlay for expensive hardware.
More choice – Larger choices (flexi menus etc.) can be offered using this digital system – patients can order the size of meal to suit their appetite or to encourage them back to normal eating routines. No print restrictions.
Health benefits – Full meal ordering monitoring system which allows dieticians to review patient meal choices and make any adjustments necessary for the patient’s best recovery.
Economy – In addition to the reduction of food costs, the printing and distributing of menu cards are no longer necessary.
Less resource – With the option of patients ordering their own meals, the pressure on ward staff is reduced; leaving time for other tasks.
Improved customer satisfaction and experience – Allowing patients to independently choose their own meals – and to decide nearer mealtimes. Also allows family members to assist and order food for patients.
Flexibility – Patients may change their meal order as many times as they wish to ensure they get the meal they require and allows patients to order meals from anywhere in hospital so that they are not restricted to their bed.
In this day and age where most patients have a smart phone or tablet, there is no need to supply expensive equipment when a patient can use their own familiar device off the secure WiFi SPARK network and hospital home page.

We will help you find the best kiosk solution to fit your business and offer a number of finance options. Talk to us for more information.
So get in touch today.
We don’t just show you how to buy from us, our consultants will work with you to ensure that the solution fits your business, rather than asking your business to fit an ‘off-the-shelf’ system.